High-performance Library Characterization for
Standard Cell, Memory, and IPs
Empyrean Liberal™ provides a fast and accurate timing and power library generation solution. The built-in SPICE engine from Empyrean ALPS accelerates the characterization process. Additionally, Empyrean Liberal supports multi-threading and multi-processing to make simulation faster. Liberal also supports validation flow on the standard cell characterization results by comparing the data, attribute, and property and dynamic debugging methods down to the spice simulation level.
Empyrean Liberal-Mem™ and Empyrean Liberal-IP™ are new-generation memory characterization and mixed-signal block characterization tools that produce nominal and process variation (LVF) libraries at a fraction of the runtime as existing tools that produce only nominal libraries. They achieve this by automatically applying local simulations to local variation sources and automatically propagating the variation effects throughout the circuit.
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